Monday 4 March 2013

Character bio's

Blake Character bio
Blake is a hybrid creature between man and beast called a Retchskin. He has the longing to stay human, but his carnivorous side is always lurking below the surface. He changes gradually through the appearance of horrid growth marks and spasms until he becomes a troll like man beast with an appetite for human flesh. He can control the transformation to an extent all the while refusing to lose all humanity while he does, although, he knows when it’s time to eat he must do whatever it takes.

Blake’s childhood was desperately unhappy. Some of his family abused him because of his inability to hunt very well from an early age. Blake's family lent more towards the creature side of their origin, and would prefer to roam the forest to survive and live in caves and underground dwellings than actual houses.

His father was controlling and manipulative and would regularly beat him until Blake decided to run away for good. He would call his son: 'Man Freak!' because Blake often felt more comfortable living in human skin. Blake struggled for many years having to accept that he wouldn't be able to live his life fully as a man, and even tried to take his own life several times just to try and end the burden of being different.

Blake eventually found a loving woman and married her, but she died while giving birth to Anna. Blake swore that he would never force Anna to hunt as forcibly as he was taught to, and that he would always remind his daughter of how loving her mother was. He prefers the life of a human being, but his animal like instincts to hunt for human meat is necessary for both he and Anna’s survival.

Anna character bio
Anna is a timid girl of about eight years, but she is strong willed when she believes in something. Her father (or Papa as she affectionately calls him)  is overprotective, but loving. She lost her mother not long after she was a baby, so her father is playing both roles all the while trying to infuse some of the mother’s wisdom and warmth into his daughter.

Anna loves to sit by the fire and read adventure stories. She longs for a life of exploration when she grows up, but is uncertain that it will be a possibility because of how poor she is and her remote way of life.

Extra info
Sightings of these Retchskin creatures are few because not many people have had a chance to see them and live to tell their stories. They are often spoken about in various circles, but most of them where put into extinction by angry mobs. The remaining few are scattered in various parts of remote places where they live in solitude until they spot opportunities to eat and survive.

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