Monday 25 November 2013

Dark Cabin Wooden parts

Texture Updates

here are some textures from the dark cabin thus far, my puny macbook cant handle mentay ray and these are all it could handle before shutting down..more to follow

Friday 15 November 2013

Dark Cabin Lighting test

I did a lighting test (on Amit's Dark Cabin model) without textures to get a feel for lighting the cabin.

Monday 11 November 2013

Tunnel of Trees blue variation

This is just a photoshop manipulation of Scott Yorke's tunnel of tree's lighting test. I added in some extra mist, changed the colour and made the light at the end of the tunnel a wee bit smaller.

Saturday 2 November 2013


 Model - Amit Dev

Texturing - Gary Welsh

Lighting Rendering - Scott Yorke

Maya hair will be added to the characters later on.