Wednesday 6 February 2013

Final Draft of Papa Script



A young girl of about 7 or 8, ANNA, sits with her father, BLAKE at the dinner table. Anna looks down at her plate at only a small piece of meat that she has been given. She looks at Blake’s plate and it contains no meat.

A car drives past and its head lights illuminate the living space of the cabin. Blake turns to the window as the car passes.

Blake looks sad for his unhappy child, so he gets his jacket and bag then He heads towards the door.

Anna anxiously follows behind her father, but he puts his left hand on her shoulder and gestures with his right hand for her not to follow him.

Blake waves goodbye to his daughter. Anna waves back while standing in the doorway.

Later Anna sits by the fire and reads her book. Time passes and the fire has died down to a smoulder. Anna gets up and goes to a window and eagerly looks for her father. With no sign of him she grabs her jacket and ventures outside.


Anna looks out into the forest and then turns back to her home that she is about to leave alone for the first time.


Anna abruptly stops because a niggling itch on her leg bothers her.

Anna sees a jacket hanging on the branch of a tree. She recognizes it as her father Blake’s Jacket. She lifts up the coat sleeve and notices that it is all torn and messed up. Anna is overcome with sadness. She affectionately pulls the coat towards her scrunched up face.

Rustling and movement starts going on in a nearby bush. Anna looks alert, then suddenly a huge angry wolf jumps out.

Terrified Anna pulls her father’s coat over her. The wolf slowly approaches Anna, then starts to sniff the air around her. The wolf actually appears quite scared of the girl, so it draws back in fear and quickly darts into the trees ahead. With a baffled look on her face Anna drops the coat and continues forward.


The sky is now dark and the clouds are more twisted than ever.

Anna comes upon a crossroad with two openings. One opening is filled with gnarled trees and darkness, the other has more ordered trees and is lit by moonlight. Anna shivers at the thought of the darker side of the forest so chooses the brighter side instead.


Anna comes closer to the lit path. She sees a very rundown cottage ahead. Outside the cottage is bent sign post with what appears to be animal claw marks on it. The sign simply reads: KEEP OUT
Anna takes a step backward believing that maybe she has taken a wrong turn but the fearsome cries of the forest pushes her towards the cottage.

Anna tries to look inside the cottage window, but the thick condensation doesn’t allow her to see much of what is inside the cottage.

Before entering the cottage she finds a small axe in an old rotting tree stump in the opening of the cottage grounds.

Anna takes the axe as weapon and holds it close to her body. She cautiously opens the creaky door and enters with wide eyed curiosity and utter bewilderment.


Inside is a filthy lair of mess and destruction. It is a complete contrast to Anna’s home. Shortly after Anna hears loud thumps coming from the kitchen area.

As Anna turns into the long narrow kitchen, she sees dark shadowy figures. As she further approaches these figures things become horrifically clearer. A creature of some sorts appears to be devouring some helpless victim on the cold tiled floor. Anna screams out in sheer horror:

The creature slowly turns to Anna and comes from the darkness into the light.

Anna looks at the creature and sees the face of her father Blake through the guise of a grotesque monster and confusingly says

Blake sheepishly looks at his daughter then covers his hideous face while going back into the darkness.

The girl lifts the hatchet that she has been carrying while Blake tries to edge closer to his daughter. Anna starts to become dizzy while Blake gets closer still to his daughter. Anna is about to fall to the floor in shock, but her father manages to catch her before this happens. Anna is unconscious in her father’s arms.


Anna awakens in a terrible fright believing that she is still in the dreadful cabin. She looks around her and scratches her head in complete bewilderment. She turns towards the kitchen and sees her father Blake calmly cooking at the stove. He turns to her and gently smiles while casually stirring away.

Anna stares at the bubbling pot for quite some time a with a burning fixation.

Anna comes out of her trance when her leg itch comes back, and we see a hideous growth mark appearing. Her future awaits!


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