Saturday 30 March 2013

Paint Effects Tree Test

I've been watching paint effects tutorials and OI'm convinced it will be an option for doing background trees for the forrest environment. Needs some more playing around with. I'd like to try and match the trees to the concepts Scott did last week. Biggest issue is this is rendered with Maya software without converting to polys. I'm scared to think how many polys would be in this...

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Blake Expressions and Pose Sheets

Some expressions and poses for Blake. I made the expressions straight on so that they can be used for reference for blend shapes if needed. Going to do the same thing with the Creature in the next day or so.

Tree Progression

Saturday 23 March 2013

Thursday 21 March 2013

Anna's first model sheet

Here is the first model sheet of Anna. I will make a few changes to this, but i'm quite happy with it for now.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Blake Model Sheet

I lengthened Blake's body to pull his arms more into proportion with the rest of his body.

Saturday 16 March 2013

Creature and Blake Model Sheets

Just putting these up to get some feed back before I go further with them. I will need to redraw the front view of the face as it annoys me but let me know if there are any more things that need fixed.

Thursday 14 March 2013


I did this quick collage for a bit of fun!

Brown eyes

Green eye colour variation

Blue eye colour variation

Here is some eye colour variations for blue eyes.


More hats

Anna's hats

Here are a range of different hat designs for Anna.

More hairstyles

Here are some more hairstyle ideas.

Anna hairstyles

A range of different hairstyles with more to come.

Anna's proportions update

Just an update of the the body proportions that I have changed based on the last meeting.


The Creature design with both boots and creature feet.


A creature sculpt I have been working on based on feedback from previous meetings. I feel it does need some work.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Personal Favorite eyes

Here are my personal favorite eyes for Anna.

Anna's eyes

Here are variations of Anna's eyes. The eyes used on the earlier design had big round eyes, but it's nice to see more for comparison reasons.