Thursday 28 February 2013

Displacement Using Ptex

A screenshot of me mucking around with Ptex texturing. Ptex was designed by Walt Disney studios it allows models to be textured and displaced without having to spend time uving. So the whole UV mapping step can be skipped entirety. Below is an example i am working on, here you can see the base mesh with a displacement map applied to the model with no UVs. I am however running into problems with the color information it just doesn't seem to want to render. Hopefully i can find a solution for this. If i can get it to work i think we can save a lot of time when it comes to the production stage of the film.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


This concept is obviously at an early stage and I will be developing it further.

Tuesday 26 February 2013

ZBrush Creature Sculpt

Creature sculpted and rendered using Zbrush and then comped in photoshop.

Sunday 24 February 2013

Colour Concept

Just a quick colour concept of the wolf.

More Wolf Concepts

After Fridays meeting we decided that the wolf wasn't scary enough so i took that on board and came up with these, I coud probably still push the designs a lot more. Iam also still trying to get the right balance between it being stylised and realistic.

Monster Concept

A colour Monster concept using the latest Father design.

New Father Concept

A new concept for the Father. I really like this one and fits with the style Paul is looking for.

Friday 22 February 2013

Father Concept 2

Made this colour concept just to add to the blog as today as a group we decided on a slightly different style. I will have new designs up soon.

Broken Cabin

A paint over of an original Jeremy Birn painting.

Really liked the composition, pointing technique and fish eye lens used !
Still alot of paint over work has been done to make this interesting and relevant to papa

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Father Concepts

Here are some of the Father concepts I have been working on. We have decided to go down a more stylized root. I am also think of finding the design of the Father first then work the monster over the top of him. I really like the last two designs for him so I am going to colour them for our peer review.

Friday 15 February 2013

Monster Concepts

Some pencil concepts of the monster. Still trying to get the look of a predator and keep the human elements so we recognize it is the father. I like these drawings but still need to find the right design for him.

Wednesday 13 February 2013